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Technology Triple Trivia

TTT123 Questions. 3 Hints. 3 Answers.

July 5, 2016

  1. What, beginning with the letter “S,” appears acceptable in moderation?


<b>Salt</b> <b>fields</b> | Photo

Answer: salt consumption.  A recent Canadian study reveals that setting a uniform low-salt standard for all may not be wise.  It suggests moderate salt consumption may, in fact, be healthier for many people.   This is true especially if one exercises heavily and for long periods, such as engaging in long-distance running, or hiking the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim.  Nonetheless, while most people should not have to obsessively measure out a single daily teaspoon-full (the current recommendation) one also should not habit-salt — that is salting items that are already heavily salted to begin with.  Read more here.

2. And speaking of salt, what small innovation is a big reason to say cheese?


Answer: 3D-printed camera lenses, the size of a grain of salt, are being developed for use where no camera has been able to go before.  From medical applications to security systems, the hope is that less will have more impact with regard to future possibilities.  The efficient 3D printers allowed developers to bypass several limitations of current or old school manufacturing methods.  Read the story here.

3. What new app may have some drivers becoming completely paranoid while driving?


Answer: in a 9-city pilot project, Uber plans to outfit its drivers with an updated app that will track and alert the driver regarding just about everything that is related to their driving — including speeding, braking, reaction time and holding a mobile device while gripping the steering wheel.  To test the technology, Uber also intends to engage with passengers on their experiences and may request confirmation of negative driver habits.  Read the details here.