Center for Law, Science & Innovation
CALL FOR POSTERS to be presented at:
Fifth Annual
Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies
May 17-19, 2017 in Phoenix, AZ.
Beus Center for Law and Society
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
First Prize: $500
Second Prize: $250
All poster presenters are invited to attend the entire conference free of charge, though are not required to do so.
- Must be a current student
- Teams of two allowed
- Attendance at the poster reception is preferred but not required to claim prize.
- Posters can be any size but no larger than 36″ x 48″
Poster reception with presenters, conference organizers, attendees and prize sponsors, May 17 or 18 (date & time TBA).
Please register your poster via e-mail with so that we may keep you up to date with details. Feel free to also e-mail Lauren with any questions. We encourage you to reach out to your peers who may also be interested.