The Center would like to welcome all those interested to participate in the following 2L and 3L research cluster meetings. This is a terrific opportunity for 1Ls and 2Ls to familiarize themselves with the clusters as a credit option for 2014-15. Faculty and advisory board members are also invited and encouraged to attend. Lunch will be served. Note that not all clusters will offer open meetings. Please RSVP in advance to Debb Relph 480-965-5386.
- Emerging Technologies with Gary Marchant on Monday, November 4, 2013, 12pm-1pm, at the Center for Law, Science & Innovation (Suite 120). This year’s topics are: 1) wearable technologies; and 2) cyberspace jurisdiction.
- Personalized Medicine with Gary Marchant on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 12pm-1pm, at the law library conference room. This year’s topics are: 1) Plavix pharmacogenetics; and 2) epigenetics.
- Information and Communication Technologies with Josh Abbott tentatively on Wednesday, November 20, 3p-4p, at the Center for Law Science & Innovation (Suite 120). This year’s topic is cybersecurity.