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Technology Triple Trivia

3 Questions. 3 Hints. 3 Answers.

November 1, 2016

  1. Who or what is Budweiser’s new road warrior?



Answer: look ma! no hands!  Budweiser has teamed up with Otto and together they shipped over 50,000 cans of beer over 120 miles in a driverless truck.  Here is a statement from Otto:  “[w]ith an Otto-equipped vehicle, truck drivers will have the opportunity to rest during long stretches of highway while the truck continues to drive and make money for them. When you’ll see a truck driving down the road with nobody in the front seat, you’ll know that it’s highly unlikely to get into a collision, drive aggressively, or waste a single drop of fuel [emphasis added].”  The statement leaves a couple of impressions.  One, how exactly is the truck making money for the driver? Two, after one successful brewski trip, can one really be sure that the truck is “highly unlikely to get into a collision, drive aggressively, or waste a single drop of fuel”? Read more here.

2. What’s the next new thing in happily ever after?


Answer: digital love.  Amazon’s digital assistant Alexa is a popular girl.  One that is receiving marriage proposals others can only dream of: 250,000 in one quarter.  Alexa herself offers practical solutions why she is not “marriage material.”  Instead of saying “yes,” in one case,  Alexa offered “[w]e’re at pretty different places in our lives. I mean, literally — you are on earth and I am in the cloud.” Smart girl.  Don’t just settle for anyone.  Read the story here.

3. What types of DNA tests are being questioned in terms of reliability?


Answer:  got a mutt and want to get to know his ancestors?  Doggie DNA companies are cashing in — but are their results accurate?  Different companies are delivering diverse results.  According to one vet, “the tests collect just a tiny bit of DNA called a snip. It can go several generations back. Depending on what section the testers grab, results could vary greatly.” One tip, according to the same vet, is to choose a DNA screening company with a larger selection of breeds in its database.  Read the details here.