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Statements posted on this blog represent the views of individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Center for Law Science & Innovation (which does not take positions on policy issues) or of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law or Arizona State University.

Prof. Jon Kappes on Picking the Right IP Law Program

Professor and Faculty Fellow Jon Kappes was quoted in U.S. News & World Report discussing opportunities for intellectual property attorneys and what to look for in law schools and legal education to maximize those opportunities.

IP law, particularly patent law but also copyright and trademark, has in recent years become one of the most dynamic areas of the law.

Among other things, Kappes advised looking for programs that participate in the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s Law School Clinic Certification Program. The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law offers The Lisa Foundation Patent Law Clinic, which allows students to practice both patent and trademark law before the USPTO.

You can read more of Professor Kappes’ comments here: Pick the Right Intellectual Property Law Program.