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Statements posted on this blog represent the views of individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Center for Law Science & Innovation (which does not take positions on policy issues) or of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law or Arizona State University.

Smart & Resilient Communities: How Smart Cities Evolve In A Post-Covid World

The Thunderbird School of Global Management is hosting a panel discussion on the evolution of Smart Cities during a pandemic. The discussion aims to answer the question: “How does the phenomenon of a ‘smart city’ fit into larger sociological and technological traditions, trends and thoughts?” There are various drivers for the purpose of a smart community – environment, technology, ‘the citizen,’ and, in a post COVID-19 world more important than ever, resilience of communities.


Joining Dr. Diana Bowman on the panel is Michael Pegues, chief information officer for the City of Aurora, IL; Phillip Thigo, director of Africa, Thunderbird School of Global Management; Jessie Feller Hahn, executive director, Meeting of the Minds and Ron Harris, chief resilience officer, City of Minneapolis, MN. 

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