UPDATE: Future Lifespans: Garreau’s Four Scenarios

A few posts ago, we introduced Joel Garreau‘s take on future lifespan possibilities presented at The Future of Longevity, an event held in Washington D.C. on October 4, 2013 and hosted by Future Tense (a partnership of Slate, New America Foundation and Arizona State University). Garreau’s presentation was covered by C-SPAN and is available for […]

Future Lifespans: Garreau’s Four Scenarios

In Drooling on Your Shoes or Living Long and Prospering? Joel Garreau posits four lifespan possibilities for the year 2030.  These are, A) Small Change, a time when progress moves along without much of a lifespan change; B) Drooling on Their Shoes, when human lifespan, but not healthspan, is increased– leaving folks to live longer, […]