Tuesday Triple Trivia Tease for July 1, 2014

3 Questions. 3 Hints. 3 Answers. Every Tuesday. Happy Canada Day, fellow Canucks! 1. From the personal genome to the personal microbiome, which technology is invoked with regard to the latter? Hint: Answer: cell phones hold the fingerprint of all the little microorganisms in our possession.  With an 82% similarity rate between finger and phone […]

Tuesday Triple Trivia Tease for May 20, 2014

3 Questions. 3 Hints. 3 Answers. Every Tuesday. 1. What recently reported spurious correlation emphasizes the importance of logical theory? Hint: Answer: though there is a correlation between U.S. spending on science and suicides by hanging (and suffocation & strangulation) it is a spurious correlation.   There are many other examples of illusory correlations that have surfaced […]

Tuesday Triple Trivia Tease for April 15, 2014

3 Questions. 3 Hints. 3 Answers.  Every Tuesday. 1. Fill in the blank for the following statement, representing a flourishing defense tactic in criminal cases:  “my ________ made me do it.” Hint: Answer: Judges and juries are moving away from solely considering somewhat antiquated methods of evaluating criminal responsibility founded on Freudian conscious and unconscious acts.  […]

Tuesday Triple Trivia Tease for January 7, 2014

3 questions. 3 hints. 3 answers. Every Tuesday. 1. What are the top five issues courts will likely be tackling in 2014, according to U.S. News? Hint: the first relates to potential limitations on particular types of patents, the first of which was granted in April 1968.  The second involves the provider we are most […]

Tuesday Triple Trivia Tease for November 19, 2013

3 questions. 3 hints. 3 answers. Every Tuesday. Question: what technology is changing the way physicians deliver medical services? Hint: “Beam me up, Scotty!” Answer: telepresence robots, otherwise described as mobile video-conferencing machines, allow a doctor to attend a patient’s bedside despite the two being hundreds of miles apart.  The telemedicine robots permit doctors to “beam” into […]

Tuesday Triple Trivia Tease for September 24, 2013

3 questions. 3 hints. 3 answers.  Every Tuesday. Common to all 3 this week: alcohol. 1) What recent astounding discoveries resulted in $10 trillion* being awarded at a Harvard ceremony this past week? Hint: Answer: honored at Harvard University a few days ago was a group of folks who contributed to discoveries such as determining […]


Monday, August 12, 2013 By Yvonne Stevens 62 years after the death of Henrietta Lacks, as a result of an aggressive form of cervical cancer, her family finally reached an agreement with the National Institutes of Health with regard to future use of the contentious, lab-cultivated HeLa genome data (see also NY Times and Nature […]