The International Business Transactions Blog

New Edition of Fellmeth’s International Business Transactions Textbook Available

A new edition of Aaron Fellmeth’s Introduction to International Business Transactions will become available in both print and e-book form in August 2024. The second edition, published by Edward Elgar, is in full color and includes up-to-the-minute important developments in the law of IBT, as well as more of its traditionally entertaining style.

Law and business faculty can order a review copy at:



U.S. Supreme Court Changes the Regulatory Environment

By Kelsey McGillis
Law Student Editor

On June 28, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court fundamentally altered the landscape of administrative law with its decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. This 6-3 ruling overruled the nearly four-decade-old precedent set by Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., which had required courts to defer to executive branch agencies when interpreting ambiguous statutes. The Chevron doctrine, established in 1984, dictated a two-step process: first, courts would determine if the statute was clear; if not, they would defer to the agency’s interpretation if it was “reasonable.” This principle was based on the specialized expertise of the agencies, which is used to interpret and implement complex statutory schemes, often dealing with technical scientific or economic matters (the Chevron decision itself dealt with the EPA’s air quality regulations). “Judges,” in contrast, “are not experts in the field . . . .”

In Loper Bright Enterprises, the Supreme Court reversed this approach. The case involved the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), which had interpreted the Magnuson-Stevens Act to mandate that commercial fishing vessels fund at-sea monitors. Loper Bright challenged this interpretation, arguing it exceeded the agency’s authority. The Supreme Court agreed, ruling that courts should no longer automatically defer to agency interpretations of statutes they are charged by Congress with administering. Instead, courts must independently evaluate these interpretations using their expertise in science, engineering, economics, and other technical subjects. The decision significant shifts the balance of power from the Executive Branch to the judiciary.

Chief Justice John Roberts, in his 35-page opinion, called the Chevron doctrine “fundamentally misguided.” Roberts stated that Chevron deference contradicts the Administrative Procedure Act, which mandates in general terms that courts decide legal questions independently. He asserted that even technical or scientific ambiguities within a statute should be resolved by courts, not agencies, although agency interpretations may still be considered under the less deferential Skidmore standard.

The Supreme Court’s decision will have profound implications for agency regulation of international trade and investment. In the past, federal agencies frequently made decisions effectively insulated from judicial review, resulting in great and potentially arbitrary power over industry actors. However, most federal agencies, such as the International Trade Commission (ITC) and the Department of Commerce, make decisions based on extensive research and analyses conducted by experts. They will now face increased judicial scrutiny when interpreting statutes related to international trade. This change could lead to more frequent and varied judicial challenges to agency actions, introducing regulatory uncertainty. Without the assurance of judicial deference, agencies may find it more difficult to implement and enforce regulations, resulting in less predictable regulatory outcomes for businesses involved in international trade and investment. Companies involved in trade remedy proceedings before the Department of Commerce (DOC) or the International Trade Commission (ITC) may find new avenues for challenging adverse agency actions.

Similarly, interpretations of the import and export legislation by Customs and Border Protection, the Bureau of Industry and Security, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, and other federal agencies may face an increasing number of challenges, with more frequent changes in the authoritative interpretation of federal statutes.

Negotiations Continue in EU Countervailing Duties on Chinese-Made Electric Vehicles

By Kelsey McGillis
Law Student Editor

This week, the European Union (EU) and China agreed to hold consultations regarding the EU’s proposed tariffs to be imposed on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) entering the European market. This decision signals a potential resolution in the months-long contentious subsidy dispute between the two regions.   The current tensions trace back to a probe launched by the European Commission last year, to determine if Chinese subsidies directed to Chinese EV manufacturers were allowing such EV manufacturers to sell vehicles within the EU at artificially low prices, thus harming their European competitors. China has vehemently denied these claims, insisting that its EV industry’s growth is a result of fair competition and not subsidy supported. That China has a command economy inevitably complicates the analysis of competitive cost. The Commission’s findings led to an announcement of potential tariffs; up to 48% of the value of imported Chinese EVs. These tariffs directed at the manufacturers are set to come into force on July 4, with the proposed application of duties, levied on the consumers, expected by November, 2024.

While the European Commission describes the tariffs as corrective measures to level the playing field, critics argue that such tariffs may trigger a broader trade war. Germany, whose economy heavily relies on the Chinese market, has shown reluctance to support countervailing duties.  European automakers have also voiced concerns in claiming that such tariffs directly contribute to global trade fragmentation. Conversely, the United States has adopted a much more aggressive stance, recently imposing a 100% tariff on Chinese EV imports in an effort to offset the alleged subsidies.

China, not surprisingly, has responded to the EU’s actions by threatening reciprocal tariffs on a variety of EU goods, and have indicated they may file a claim the World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body if its concerns are not addressed. Amid the tensions, the agreement to hold technical talks in Brussels offers a glimmer of hope. European Commission Spokesperson Johanna Bernsel confirmed that there would be technical discussions aimed at finding a solution that addresses the perceived subsidization of Chinese EVs. This move is seen as a step towards de-escalating the situation and finding a mutually acceptable resolution.